Not every indication of heart trouble is preceded by flashing lights and ringing bells, and the signs of heart disease can be somewhat subtle in their appearance. However, person who are at risk for heart trouble should be knowledgeable of them as being conscious of the signs of heart disease can be a lifesaving experience. Unfortunately some of the signs are often confused with other ailments and even when presented are often ignored, which can be a fatal error.
The most common of the signs of heart disease is angina, or chest pain. It can be in the form of pain or a tightness in the chest are that may or may not radiate into the arms, neck, ears and back and many times it is confused with acid indigestion. Those experiencing a burning pain in their chest may believe it to be caused by something they ate and not one of the signs of heart disease and fail to seek emergency medical care.
Other signs of heart disease can include a shortness of breath, a rapid heartbeat a feeling of weakness along with nausea and sweating, even if the person feels cold. Most emergency medical workers would rather inform someone they have indigestion than have the signs ignored and wind up with a fatality.
Make Others Aware Of Symptom.
When a person believes they are showing the signs of heart disease, it could be a prelude to a heart attack. Someone should be apprised of the feelings and immediate medical care should be sought. Those having a heart attack may experience a discomfort or pain the chest with the pain radiating to the throat, neck and usually to the left arm. They may also experiencing a burning that resembles acid indigestion along with a feeling of being full.
Irregular heartbeat is another of the signs of heart disease, and may also indicate a heart attack, along with anxiety and difficulty breathing. When a person experiences any of the signs of heart disease or a heart attack, time is of the essence in seeking professional help. A delay in getting to the emergency room can cause major medical complications and even death.
While many people are able to survive a heart attack due to the quick response of qualified medical personnel, knowing the signs of heart disease can often stop a heart attack before it hits. If someone has these indications, they should inform their doctor so tests can be conducted to confirm or deny the signs of heart disease are real or imagined.
Common Vitamins and over the counter products can help with heart disease such as Vitamin E, Isotretinoin and Sytrinol.
Vitamin E improves circulation and promotes normal blood clotting. Vitamin E is also known to help the red blood cells to live longer and keep them from breaking down too soon.
Isotretinoin, a Vitamin A derivative, is an oral drug that is usually taken once or twice a day with food for 4 to 6 months. Isotretinoin has been shown to be very effective in treating severe acne and can either improve or clear over 80% of patients studied. Isotretinoin has a much longer effect than anti-bacterial treatments and will often cure acne for good. It reduces the size of oil glands and much less oil is produced and as a result the growth of propion bacteria is reduced.
Sytrinol are known to be useful in helping maintain a healthy cholesterol level in the body by reducing triglycerides and low-density lipoprotein (LDL) levels.
This report is nutritional in nature and not to be construed as medical advice.
Always consult your doctor before using this information.
About the author:
David Cowley has created numerous articles on heart disease. He has also created a Web Site dedicated to heart disease and how to treat them. Visit Heart Disease
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Signs Of Heart Disease
Labels: heart, heart disease
Natural Remedies Explored - Heart and Blood Pressure
All we can really effectively do here is talk about preventing problems arising in the first place. There are dangers in ignoring medical advice and seeking alternative "cures" when a problem already exists.
Diet and exercise, yes those two old favourites, are the key to prevention in most cases, and presumably a doctor will explore both where a condition exists. Four 20 minute aerobic exercise sessions a week is the medically recommended aim for everyone. No you don't have to do aerobic classes, four brisk walks will do.
Onions, garlic, soya, oats, cinnamon and walnuts are all highly recommended for reducing cholesterol levels and garlic has been noted for its ability to prevent blood clots developing.
No doubt you are all aware of the reports of how good red wine is. Alcohol increases the level of high density lipoproteins (HDLs). These take away cholesterol from artery walls. However, there's always too much of a good thing and like everything in life moderation is the key. Too much alcohol increases blood pressure and can cause irregular heart rhythms. I have read that red grape juice is as effective as red wine.
Eskimos are well documented as having low levels of coronary heart disease, which has been attributed to their high in-take of fatty acids from eating oily fish (it is recommended to keep consumption to twice a week). The Mediterranean diet is also highly praised, olive oil being a chief reason for this.
* Pomegranates - according to research in Israel, they help prevent blood clots, lower blood pressure and improve the amount of oxygen reaching the heart.
* Pectin - apparently reduces cholesterol absorbtion, slows the production of cholesterol in the liver, lowers insulin resistence and slows the absorbtion of sugar into the blood stream. Citrus fruit, blackberries, apples, peaches, plums and redcurrants have high pectin levels.
* Celery - a compound from the vegetable apparently relaxes the muscles of the arteries regulating blood pressure.
* Nattokinase is an enzyme found in a cheese like food, natto, made from fermented soybeans. There are strong claims made for its properties. Apparently it quickly lowers blood presure, controls cholesterol levels, and prevents and even breaks up blood clots. If you are using medication, talk to your doctor before considering its use.
Also cayenne pepper, ginkgo and hawthorn are noted for their properties in helping protect the heart and circulatory system. Hawthorn is prescribed by doctors in Europe for treating heart conditions. Ginkgo is noted for its anti-inflammatory attributes and cayenne can help reduce cholesterol and clot formation.
If you do have a heart condition or high blood pressure do not take ginkgo without seeking medical advice first.
About the author:
Philip has years of experience in studying and using herbal and homeopathic remedies and wants to share his knowledge through his website and forum at:
The Apothecaryhttp: // - theapothecary.890m™ is a trademark of Philip Bailey.
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Labels: blood pressure, heart
Side Effects Of Blood Pressure Medications
All blood pressure medication should lower blood pressure but in addition they can produce some undesirable side effects. Medication alter basic body functions not only in the blood vessels but in the nervous system and kidneys as well. Because all of the systems in the body are interconnected even drugs that effect only one type of molecule in the body will produce some type of side effect.
Beta Blockers:
A common type of blood pressure medication like beta blockers are used to control cardiac arrhythmia or irregular heart beat. Beta blockers limit the ability of the heart to beat faster and as a result they reduce the ability of a person to exercise. Fatigue and the ability to react to the basic flight or fight response during an emergency situation is severely reduced. In June of 2006 the United Kingdom downgraded the use of beta-blockers for the elderly because of the increased risk of provoking type 2 diabetes. Other drugs were found to be much better in controlling high blood pressure.
Angiotensin Converting Enzyme (ACE) Inhibitors:
Lisinopril is in a class of drugs called angiotensin-converting-enzyme (ACE) inhibitors. It is used to lower blood pressure by decreasing certain chemicals in the blood that tighten the blood vessels. In other words, lisinopril will dilate the blood vessels so blood flows more smoothly and the heart can pump blood more efficiently using less pressure. It is also used to treat congestive heart failure and to improve the survival rate after a heart attack. The most common side effect of Lisinopril is a violent, non-productive cough, dizziness, fatigue and flue like symptoms. Another side effect, though not very common but it is dangerous is a pounding or uneven heartbeat.
Diuretics are used to treat blood pressure problems by stimulating the kidneys to flush excess fluid and sodium from the human body. Less blood volume allows the heart to move the blood easier throughout the body. Loss of potassium, dry mouth and dehydration are the most common side effects of diuretics.
Calcium Channel Blockers:
Calcium channel blockers (CCBs) keeps the blood vessels and heart from absorbing calcium which causes the blood vessels to relax. Calcium causes the heart to contract and the blood vessels to contract. CCBs are also used to slow the heart rate and are used for treating an abnormally rapid heart rate. The most common side effect of calcium channel blockers are headache, nausea, constipation, rash, dizziness and fluid retention.
Alpha Blockers:
Alpha blockers stop certain nerve impulses to the blood vessels causing the vessels to relax. Alpha blockers stop a natural hormone called nor-epinephrine from stimulating the muscles in the walls of the of the smaller blood vessels. The most common side effect of alpha blockers is low blood pressure, dizziness, headache, pounding heart beat, nausea, fatigue, fluid retention and an increase of the cholesterol levels in the blood. Some alpha blockers can increase the risk of heart failure with long term use.
Vasodilators directly cause the muscles in the blood vessels walls to relax thus preventing the muscles from tightening and the walls of the blood vessels from narrowing. Side effects of vasodilators are headache, nasal congestion, chest pain, rapid hear beat, pounding heart beat, fluid retention and dizziness. Long term use increase the risk of developing a connective tissue disease called lupus.
Common Vitamins and over the counter products can help with high blood pressure such as diuretics, copper, vitamin B, vitamin A, Quercitin, Potassium, Lecithin and Iron.
Natural diuretics are contained in cranberries, anything that has caffeine and apple cider vinegar. Fruits and vegetables such as watermelon and cucumbers contain a lot of water and will help increase urination. If you are taking COUMADIN then check with your doctor before using cranberry.
There is strong evidence that trace mineral Copper is vital to the tensile strength of the coronary blood vessels.
Vitamin B taken together as a team perform vital biological processes including aiding in the healing process for congestive heart failure and reduces fluid retention. It is required for the development of red blood cells.
Vitamin C has show to reduce cholesterol levels and lowers high blood pressure.
Quercitin is a well known flavonoid. Flavonoids are powerful antioxidants and can reduce inflammation boost the immune system and strengthen blood vessels and improve circulation. Quercitin is also known for its ability to block the release of histamines, thus reducing or preventing allergy symptoms. Take 500 mg twice daily.
Potassium may help prevent high blood pressure and protect against atherosclerosis and reduce the risk of stroke.
Lecithin has the potential to protect against fat clogged arteries when take daily.
Iron is an essential component of hemoglobin, the oxygen carrying substance in red blood cells. Iron is vital for the production of blood by the bone marrow. The single most common cause of anemia is the lack of Iron.
Lifestyle changes can also lower the risk of medical emergencies do to arteriosclerosis. Quit smoking, eat healthy foods, weight loss and get regular exercise. This treatment is often problematic for many to achieve and continue for the long term.
This report is nutritional in nature and not to be construed as medical advice.
Always consult your doctor before using this information.
About the author:
David Cowley has created numerous articles on heart disease. He has also created a Web Site dedicated to heart disease and how to treat them. Visit Heart Disease
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Labels: blood pressure
Why Do We Never Hear About Low Blood Pressure
Ask anyone about high blood pressure, and you're likely to get a lively conversation about cholesterol, stroke, beta blockers, and the like. Some will start comparing numbers and sigh that they wish their I.Q. was as high as their blood pressure. But why is it that you never seem to hear anyone talk about low blood pressure? Are there health concerns with this condition and are they anywhere near as important as the obvious problems with high blood pressure?
Having low blood pressure may not be as dangerous as high blood pressure, but there are still several serious concerns for those with this condition. The often experience severe dizziness and lightheadedness, especially upon standing suddenly. They may also have chronic fainting spells. The lack of proper blood circulation can also cause nausea and cold or clammy skin, fatigue, and problems with concentration and problem solving. While these may not be exactly life threatening, those with low blood pressure know the dangers of fainting at inopportune times, and may also suffer from depression because of their condition and the resulting fatigue that comes with it.
It's believed that most cases of low blood pressure are more genetic than anything else, however, doctors are agreeing these days that the common blood pressure reading of 120 over 80 is on the high side. Having low blood pressure is becoming the ideal, if readings are steady around 115 over 75. Athletes and those who exercise regularly seem to have readings around these numbers. Most physicians agree that unless the symptoms are interfering with one's life, there is no reason to make changes to try to correct this issue.
At the same time, low blood pressure affects each person differently. Someone with poor circulation and anemia or an eating disorder can be at extreme risk for starving their heart and vital organs, and of course if you have constant fainting spells, this can interfere with your career, you abilities to perform everyday household tasks, your family life, and of course your health overall. The body is not mean to be unnaturally sedate like that. And certainly if you faint and injure yourself or are alone, you may be in need of medical attention. Some with low blood pressure that experience such symptoms can develop panic attacks and agoraphobia, as they become so anxious about going out without assistance or are simply wondering when will be the next attack. Depression can result from the interference with one's life.
If your doctor has told you that you have low blood pressure and you experience these symptoms regularly and find that they are interfering with the quality of your life, it's time to speak up. He or she can recommend lifestyle changes such as an increased salt or water intake, or may be able to prescribe medications in extreme cases. While low blood pressure may not present the same life threatening symptoms as high blood pressure, you should still be able to enjoy your life without worrying about your next fainting spell or having your career interrupted.
Always consult your doctor before using this information.
This Article is nutritional in nature and is not to be construed as medical advice.
About the author:
David Cowley has created numerous articles on heart disease. He has also created a Web Site dedicated to heart disease and how to treat them. Visit Heart Disease
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Labels: Low Blood Pressure
Understanding Your Blood Pressure Medication
There are many different types of blood pressure medications, and it's important that you understand what's been prescribed for you before you begin taking them. Some have serious side effects that you need to inform your doctor about, and others will cause drug interaction or allergic reactions if you do not communicate these things to your doctor as well. Most blood pressure medications work to slow your heartbeat, lessen the constriction of blood vessels, or cause your blood to become thinner. And while it's impossible to cover all the various medications and recommendations your doctor may give to you, we can give you some basic information about the most commonly prescribed blood pressure medications here:
Angiotensin is an enzyme in the body that causes the blood vessels to constrict. Sometimes this is necessary, but too much of this element will cause them to become too narrow, which will necessitate your heart working harder to pump your blood through. Often a body produces too much of this enzyme, probably through genetics or simply imperfection of the circulatory system. Many blood pressure medications work to block this enzyme or the overproduction of it.
ACE inhibitors and ARB receptor blockers are two such blood pressure medications. By not allowing the overproduction of this enzyme, the blood vessels will not be overly constrictive and will allow the blood to flow much more freely.
Nitrates work by relaxing blood vessels throughout the entire body so that the heart, again, does not need to work as hard to pump the blood through. Nitrates are very common blood pressure medications. Some are not meant to be taken regularly but only when a patient feels the pain in the chest that happens when the heart is pumping too hard. These pills are often placed under the tongue in such emergencies. Some however will get nitrate pills, sprays, and even patches which will release this blood pressure medication in a regular dosage. This is important because this pain that signals the heart working too hard can be easily mistaken for indigestion or muscle cramps.
These blood pressure medications work by causing the blood vessels to open up or dilate. Vasodilators are never used on a permanent basis or on their own, as eventually the kidneys would respond to these dilated blood vessels by retaining more water. It's important to be aware of the side effects of headache, rapid heart rate, and even sweating; if these become severe, you need to talk to your doctor. They can also cause fainting and dizziness, especially upon standing up.
Other Medicines
Other blood pressure medications may include diuretics, which cause the body to lose water and therefore thin the blood, making it easier to push through the circulatory system, and beta blockers, which cause the heart to beat slower than normal. Whatever medication you've been prescribed, use it exactly as directed and tell your doctor of any side effects you're having.
Common Vitamins and over the counter products can help with heart disease such as Sytrinol, Policosanol, Potassium, Pectin, and M.S.M.
Sytrinol are known to be useful in helping maintain a healthy cholesterol level in the body by reducing triglycerides and low-density lipoprotein (LDL) levels.
Policosanol is a natural supplement derived from sugar cane. Policosanol promotes healthy platelet function and helps to maintain normal cholesterol levels in the human body.
Potassium is essential for proper functioning of the heart muscle and for regulating proper fluid balance. Bananas are a good source of potassium.
Pectin limits the amount of cholesterol the body can absorb. High pectin count in apples may be why "One a day keeps the doctor away".
M.S.M maintains the development of the body's protein by forming flexible disulfide bonds between certain amino acids and in maintaining the strength of connective tissue. This allows water and nutrients to flow freely into cells and allows toxins to flow freely out of the cells. M.S.M increases athletic stamina and helps eliminate muscle soreness. M.S.M is a natural supplement that is getting a lot of attention due to its role in tissue healing at the cellular level. It is a natural organic sulfur that comes from rain fall and is found naturally in the human body.
If you are at risk from Heart Disease then find a good health care professional prior to starting any type of home treatment.
Always consult your doctor before using this information.
This Article is nutritional in nature and is not to be construed as medical advice.
About the author:
David Cowley has created numerous articles on heart disease. He has also created a Web Site dedicated to heart disease and how to treat them. Visit Heart Disease
Article Source:
Labels: high blood pressure