Diseases Caused By High Blood Pressure

There are three main diseases caused by high blood pressure. They are each life threatening and they may or may not have any symptoms other than you having high blood pressure. Many drug stores and grocery stories have blood pressure monitoring machines available to the general public for free. You should check you blood pressure every time you have you see one of these machines.

A good starting point for normal blood pressure is 120/80. The first number represents the systolic pressure. This is the maximum pressure in your arteries that is created during the contraction of the left ventricle. The second number represents the diastolic blood pressure. The diastolic pressure is the measurement of the pressure in the arteries when the heart relaxes. Signs of high pressure is when the systolic pressure is over 130 or when the diastolic pressure is over 90. You should contact your health care provider when either of these conditions occur.

Coronary Heart Disease.

The same plaque that blocks arteries to the brain can clog arteries that feed the heart causing coronary heart disease. All cells need oxygen from the bloodstream to survive, so reducing the amount of blood to the heart muscle can severely weaken or damage the heart muscle. If a blood clot blocks one of these coronary arteries of the heart, a heart attack can occur. If the blood is blocked for an extended time some of the cells of the heart will die. When too many of the cells of the heart die the heart can not pump oxygenated blood throughout the body very well and this can lead to other problems with the other organs of the human body and even death.

Kidney Damage.

Your kidneys are responsible for filtering the waste products from the blood stream that passes through them and to remove excess fluid. High blood pressure can damage the kidneys causing them to become less efficient. When the kidneys stop removing excessive fluid from the blood stream the heart will have to work harder, which in turn will cause even higher blood pressure. It is very important to break this vicious cycle as soon as possible. When a complete shutdown of the functions of the kidney or renal failure occurs, you will need to have kidney dialysis or a kidney transplant in order to survive.


High blood pressure will create a lot of strain on your heart and arteries. Over time the walls of the arteries will weaken and an aneurysm will result. The arteries of the human body have three layers. Then the tough outer layer of connective tissue splits and allows the two inner layers of the blood vessel balloon or bulge out an aneurysm is formed. Its like a tire of an automobile that has split allowing the inner tube to balloon outside of the protective outer tire. If the high blood pressure is allow to continue it is only a mater of time before the aneurysm explodes.

If the aneurysm is small enough then you health care provider will monitor it and watch to see if the size changes over time. If the aneurysm becomes large enough then you may require an operation to correct the problem.

You may not have any symptoms of high blood pressure that is why it is called the silent killer. Some symptom you can watch out for are the following. Ringing in your ears. Present head aches. Pain in your chest, abdominal area or lower back. Excessive fluid retention. Heart palpation or irregular heart beat at rest.

Common Vitamins and over the counter products can help with high blood pressure such as Vitamin C, Garlic, Ginkgo Plus and Potassium.

Vitamin C has show to reduce cholesterol levels and lowers high blood pressure.

Garlic counteract the usual result of high fats in the diet and to help reduce high blood pressure.

Ginkgo Plus widen blood vessels, increases circulation and speeds blood flow in the capillaries.

Potassium may help prevent high blood pressure and protect against high blood pressure and reduce the risk of stroke.

Life style changes such as exercise, weight loss and proper diet can also lead to lower high blood pressure.

This report is nutritional in nature and not to be construed as medical advice.

Always consult your doctor before using this information.

About the author:
David Cowley has created numerous articles on heart disease. He has also created a Web Site dedicated to heart disease and how to treat them. Visit Heart Disease http://www.heart-team.com/

Article Source: http://www.Free-Articles-Zone.com

A Basic Understanding of High Blood Pressure

The Phrase High Blood Pressure conjures up a variety of things to all people. Common definitions refer to the condition without refereeing to the cause.

Dubbed the Silent Killer because of the insidious way it works away in the background of someone's health. High blood pressure if left untreated and ignored can lead to lethal complications in a wide variety of illnesses.

It has been estimated that in the USA there are potentially 50 million sufferers of Hypertension / High Blood Pressure. In the USA initial investigations would seem to highlight that within the black community 32% off the community how to high blood pressure as opposed to 23% within the White and Hispanic communities

For blacks it would also appear the adverse consequences of high blood pressure were worse. There is no doubt about that at high blood pressure does increase as we age with the figure is called 75% of women and 66% of men over the age of 75 being treated for high blood pressure.

For those suffering with clinical obesity the incidences of high blood pressure rise by 200%.

In the United States, only an estimated two of three people with high blood pressure have been diagnosed. Of these people, about 75% receive drug treatment, and of these, about 45% receive adequate treatment.

Two terms are used when calculating high blood pressure, the systolic which is the first and greater of the two figures and refers to the highest pressure of the Arteries. The diastolic figure is the second figure calculated and represents the pressure in the hall product to the process of contraction again.

Blood pressure is written as systolic pressure/diastolic pressure-for example, 120/80 mm Hg (millimetres of mercury). This reading is referred to as "120 over 80."High blood pressure is defined as a systolic pressure at rest that averages 140 mm Hg or more, a diastolic pressure at rest that averages 90 mm Hg or more, or both.

However, the higher the blood pressure, the greater the risks-even within the normal blood pressure range-so these limits are somewhat arbitrary. The limits were established because people with blood pressure above these levels are at increasing risk of complications.

The one major exception to this widely accepted approach towards blood pressure is when it is arising through increased age whereby it is not uncommon to see a raised systolic pressure alongside a normal diastolic figure.

The term for this condition is "isolated systolic hypertension". At the upper end of the spectrum where the blood pressure is over 180/110 and remains so with a lack of associated symptoms then this condition is deemed to be known as "a hypertensive urgency."

Where the blood pressure is particularly severe and in excess of 210/120 mm Hg then the condition is deemed to be known as malignant hypertension. This has only been found to occur in about one half of one percent of all sufferers.

However, it is several times more common among blacks than among whites, among men than among women, and among people in lower socioeconomic groups than among those in higher socioeconomic groups. Unlike hypertensive urgency, malignant hypertension may produce a variety of severe symptoms. If untreated, malignant hypertension usually leads to death in 3 to 6 months.

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Scott James writes regularly on Living With High Blood Pressure issues and more information on the above can be found at Living With High Blood Pressure ,Living With High Blood Pressure Symptom and also at www.livingwithhighbloodpressure.net/treatment.html

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